Sunday, August 24, 2008


Most of you will remember Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia, one of the most odious of the snarling pack during the Clinton impeachment debacle, when a president could be impeached for a blow job, rather than for destroying the constitution, invading a country that was no threat to us, killing hundreds of thousands of innocents, all while happily enriching oneself and one's cronies in the oil bidness.

Now Mr. Barr is running for president on the Libertarian ticket. The Republicans are not pleased about this, as any votes for Mr. Barr would surely otherwise go to John McCain. As we saw, unhappily with John Anderson, and more happily with Ross Perot, a third candidate can determine the outcome of an election. We certainly know the disastrous results of the Nader Campaign in 2000. (Hey, whatever happened to him??).

So let's help Mr. Barr along. I am proposing the "A Buck for Bob" movement. There are millions of Democrats who surely would be happy to contribute to the demise of the Bush/McCain agenda. I propose that if we all, many millions of us, each contribute one dollar to Mr. Barr's campaign, we will help him win votes away from John McCain, with no real danger of actually being elected.

To contribute to the Barr campaign, click on the link at the right, "A Buck for Bob". When the Obama/Biden ticket is swept into office, you can be proud of your efforts to help shut out McCain.

Please copy and send this message to every Democrat you know.


1 comment:

Wayne Watermelon said...

I like your idea....I think it's a winner! Bob Barr is an ugly little man whose sole purpose on earth should be to help elect Obama. How sweet is that?