Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Pumas

Let's talk about Hillary supporters.

One of my cousins, an intelligent and honorable woman, supported Senator Clinton's bid, and is now reluctantly supporting Obama. She has a number of reasons for being reluctant (perhaps another post) but understands that it is imperative to elect a Democrat and that the country cannot withstand the body-blow of another four years of Republican mis-rule.

She wrote to me recently that many friends of hers, die-hard Clinton supporters would rather vote for McCain, or stay home on election day, rather than vote for Senator Obama. We have heard of them. The are lately known by the acronym PUMA's (Party Unity My Ass). These are the folks who would have the perfect (as they see it) be the enemy of the good. These are the folks so enraged, that they will take their anger out on the rest of the world (thank you Ilsa
Lund). Never mind that McCain is the antithesis of all their values (we assume, since they are Democrats).

I have two words for Democrats who will vote for McCain: Supreme Court. And I'm not just talking about choice. What about civil rights, individuals' rights, workers' rights, the environment? Is a right-wing Supreme Court and all it implies the legacy they want to leave for their kids, grandkids, and the rest of us? Do they not understand that the America we love is fast becoming a place unrecognizable and might become unlivable, should the Republicans triumph in November?

They'd better get their priorities straight right now. And yes, I'm angry. I'm sick of doctrinaire feminists who narcissistically make this all about them. You think women have it bad here? Go live in Saudi Arabia, or Sudan, and then let's talk.



Wayne Watermelon said...

These people would really rather have the crypt keeper McCain in the White, rather than Obama?? Crazy!

Wayne Watermelon said...
