Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama Picks Biden

I received an email from the Obama campaign asking me (and a bazillion other Obama supporters) if we have any message for Senator Biden. This was my response:

Welcome Senator Biden. I am old enough to have been around (as an adult) during the Watergate hearings and respect you as a public servant who cares about working people.

Now let's go on the attack. These evil, dirty Republicans will stop at nothing to win; we know this since the Muskie Canuck letter, etc, ad nauseum since the Nixon years; they have not changed except for the worse since then.

McCain has to be called on his role in the Keating 5 Scandal, cheating on his previous wife with Cindy (vis-a-vis his hypocrisy about so-called "family values"), his being in bed with lobbyists, his actual elitism (not the faux elitism of which he accuses Sen. Obama), his associations with the failed Bush economic policies, his appalling lack of support for veterans, his flip-flopping on choice, on taxes, on the environment and a dozen other important issues. You can borrow from the Reagan playbook and ask over and over again: "are you better off now than you were eight years ago?" The American People will respond to this.

I know Sen. Obama wants to run a clean campaign without negativity; we will not win without hitting McCain hard on these issues. And while I'm at it, please emphasize the disaster that awaits us if McCain is allowed to pick three supreme court justices! This will be an unmitigated catastrophe and will wreck our nation for the next two or three generations; it will take a half-century to recuperate from what a loaded right-wing Supreme Court will do to our country.

So have at it, gentlemen. We, the Democrats, have your backs.


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